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Gift Yourself Promotion

September 1, 2017 @ 8:00 am - September 15, 2017 @ 8:00 pm

Gift Yourself Promotion

This is Honeybee Stampers 1st time offering this kind of a deal  – so don’t miss out!  

How fun would it be to be a host without having to clean your house and plan a party?  The new Holiday catalog is AMAZING and I bet your wish list is a mile long!  Well this promotion will allow you to purchase your favorite items and get some for FREE!  A traditional host would need to have a $150 party to just earn $15 and access to the exclusive host stamp sets, but with this promotion, for every $100 you spend, you get $20 in product! Wow! What a deal!

As an added bonus for participating, you will get an entry into a drawing for a ½ price item and an invitation to Honeybee Stampers exclusive Host Appreciation Brunch!

To receive this deal, you must use Host Code: XE7HR4T3 and place your order online HERE

   *Rules and restriction apply:

  • Cannot go over the allotted bonus value
  • Must pick up your product bonus or
  • Must pay tax, S&H if mailed directly to your home